Hathor as the Dynamic between you

Hathor is a fixed sign. It indicates a stabilising effect. The condition it refers to doesn’t necessarily need to change.
The Good News:
Hathor is a benevolent badass. She is also the goddess of beauty, love, and strength and the patroness of women. If she appears in this position of your reading, odds on either one of you is like Hathor – a woman who is taking care of business or has a business that deals with women. Hathor controls all aspects of life that have historically been associated with women – cooking, hair styling, beauty, clothing, fashion, etc.

Hathor is all about strength, nourishment, femininity, astrology, organisation, and confidence. She is associated with the Heart Chakra (ability to give and received love) and also with the planet Venus. In Alchemical terms, she is associated with Oil of Copper. She’s the Goddess of Motherhood & Childbirth. She’s also the Goddess of love, music, and joy. With a strong hint of sensual power alongside. She was the wife of Horus, so if either of the other cards shows up as Horus, pay extra close attention to any soul contracts you may have going on.

The Not so Good News:
Hathor carries the strength of a lion. She also sometimes appears as a cow – the symbol of nourishment. As a couple, do you feel as if that’s what you both need right now? Do you need nourishment, or are you concerned that you are providing too much of it to other people, to your own detriment? Is one of you giving more than they are taking? Or is it the other way around?

Overall, Hathor is strong enough to meet any challenge. She holds within her the energy of strength and love. As a couple, you do too.

If Hathor appears to you, it’s possibly also time to look at your nutrition and fitness routines. Are they serving your greatest good? It’s also time to consider how a little more self-care might contribute to the pair of you feeling better overall. She’ll help you both convert what you know at a spiritual level, to a physical level.

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