Uraeus as You

Uraeus is a moveable sign. It indicates an upcoming change or alteration of some kind relating to the question or this position in the reading.
Uraeus was the insignia of priestly wisdom. The serpent has traditionally been associated with both wisdom and cunning, and both of these energies are definitely connected to this card.

It suggests the ability to ‘see’ into the minds and intentions of others. Whether this ability will be used for good or for evil is entirely down to the stage of your spiritual development.

When you see Uraeus in your reading, it’s time to realise that the best detectives are the ones that can think like criminals. Can you get inside the thoughts and emotions of the people or situations that you are asking about?

However, this comes with a disclaimer – make sure that you are not being manipulated by someone else. Or alternatively, that you are not the manipulator here.

Uraeus is associated with Bast, so if you see her in this reading as well, take some time to look into a possible soul contract situation that is having an effect on this relationship

If you’ve chosen this card, then you’re likely already aware that you’re a seeker of wisdom. Where does this wisdom exist? Is it already inside you? Contemplation of the Uraeus card will help you identify the places you need to look, in order to seek the knowledge required to improve the situation.

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