Ptah as the Dynamic between you

Ptah is a fixed sign. It indicates a stabilising effect. The condition it refers to doesn’t necessarily need to change.
At the spiritual level, Ptah represents the construction of your ‘spiritual temple’. Which is a bit of a dramatic way of saying that this is a step in your life path and that of your partner. Every one of our experiences contributes to our evolution and path back to our creator.

If Ptah has appeared here, it’s possible that as a couple, you are looking for some kind of solution to a problem. Do you both need to use your ingenuity or inventiveness to solve a conundrum? Or are you looking for someone who can help you produce some kind of desired result? If you are, then whatever your idea, or the idea offered by your partner, don’t dismiss it before looking at the practicalities of bringing it to fruition.

Ptah’s energy is that of positive masculinity, ingenuity, and inventiveness. He’s a craftsman, and dextrous in his abilities. Do the pair of you need that kind of help or do one or both of you display those kinds of abilities? Ptah is practical and able to deal with any kind of work – from hard labour to the most intricate of technical issues. He deals with new inventions and scientific discoveries. He loves a gadget.

Ptah represents the gentle caring side of a man who does not need to resort to violence to make his point. All of this would indicate that even if one of the partners isn’t male, they share these same traits of creativity, ingenuity, and practicality. And because Ptah is considered to be the ‘nice guy’ of the deck, helping out where and when he can, it’s likely that you are considered to be a couple that is appreciated for their support.

He’s associated with the astrological sign of Aquarius and in some myths, he was married to Sekhmet.

Ptah is all about practical solutions, and if you’ve chosen his card here, that’s what you need to find. The most effective way the pair of you could move forward is to identify what proactive, practical, and physical steps you could take, right now, to help yourselves feel better. Don’t be put off by any disparity between how you feel at the moment and how you’d both ideally like to feel, Ptah will help you work out the easiest, fastest and most effective path from here to there.

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