Osiris as Your Lover

Osiris is a fixed sign. It indicates a stabilising effect. The condition it refers to doesn’t necessarily need to change.
The Good News:
Osiris represents the energies of wisdom, justice and integrity. He’s kind, responsible and trustworthy. Osiris showing up in this position would indicate that your partner shares many of the same qualities.

Osiris is very traditional and represents a desire to do things ‘properly’. He was also very spiritual and a deep thinker. Typically, this means that your partner likes to act as fairly as they can at every level of life. They are inherently wise and always seek the best outcome for everyone.

Osiris is associated with the Root Chakra (to do with feeling safe and secure). He was also associated with the planet Saturn and (from an alchemical point of view) Oil of Lead. Colours that are associated with Osiris are Black and Green – the colours of regeneration.

The Not so Good News
Occasionally, Osiris can bring with him quite a heavy air of responsibility or required reliability. Does your partner sometimes feel as if they have to step up and take control or responsibility for something that feels like a big ask? Do they always have to take the role of the grown-up in this relationship? How does that sit with them?

Osiris is also a figure of authority who can sometimes try to impose his will on others. This can take the form of being overly bossy and dictatorial. Are they totally supportive of your needs? Or do they feel that they know what you need, better than you do?

Osiris was a great leader, he held the interests of his subjects close to his heart and he was beloved by many. If Osiris shows up for you here, then be assured that it shows your partner wants to be fair and to do the right thing as regards this question. Any decision that they come to will have been considered in a responsible way.

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