Pyramid as You

Pyramid is a fixed sign. It indicates a stabilising effect. The condition it refers to doesn’t necessarily need to change.

The Pyramid is the Egyptian symbol of the evolution of the soul through time. It talks about timelessness, initiation, and preservation. In this way, it refers to a timeless and ageless approach to the situation at hand.

Because of this, the Pyramid can be equated with optimism or the ability to sense future changes or conditions. It also indicates that you’ll be able to evaluate past lessons and learn from them.

If this card has appeared in the reading as you, it would indicate that your character displays at least some of the energies mentioned above. The Pyramid retains a certain amount of mystery (contemplate all of the hidden passageways and boobytraps of the tombs) so it’s possible that you are similar in nature. Difficult to get to know, and with untold inner depths.

If you are struggling in your relationship, then the Pyramid indicates that it’s possible that you have lost your optimism or your ability to sense future changes or conditions. It might also indicate that you are struggling to able to evaluate past lessons and learn from them. Because of its nature, the Pyramid is often a sign that something you desire is taking a lot longer than you would like it to. It can also point to regression, limitations, and corruption. But equally, it does suggest a degree of reliability and balanced conservation.

If you’re feeling frustrated, then meditation upon the Pyramid may very well be the very thing you need to free your mind. In this life, we do not immediately become what we want to become. We do not automatically achieve all of our goals the minute that we set them. It’s a linear process, the blocks build on each other. You are evolving. All is well.

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