The Twins
The Twins is a lucky card for anyone who is looking for a partnership of any kind. It’s a great omen for someone who is looking for harmonious relationships with those around them.
The Twins themselves were the twin lion gods Shu and Tefnut and this card has taken on the meaning of both polarity and integration.
From a personal point of view, The Twins talks of partnerships of any kind and marriage.
If The Twins appears in your reading today, then often it’s because your question pertains to a relationship of some kind. If you want to be successful, go and look for the other half of your team.

Egyptian Symbol: Twin guardians of the heavenly regions
Egyptian Identity: SHU and TEFNUT, the twin lion gods
Nature: Fixed
Upright meanings of Card:
- Polarity
- Integration
- Partnership
- Marriage
Reversed meanings of Card:
- Egocentricity
- Divisiveness
- Separation