Osiris was the God-King.
His appearance today indicates that perhaps you are seeking wisdom about a question you’d like to ask The Universe. You want to find the most responsible outcome for yourself. You want to be fair and to do the ‘right thing’.
It may be that you know you are dealing with elders or some form of authority or spirituality and you want to ensure that you are giving the issue the respect that you believe it deserves.
Osiris counsels you to look for a fair, reasonable, responsible and reliable outcome for the situation that concerns you. He advises you to become the leader that you need right now.

Egyptian Symbol: the Djed or Tet, a stylised tree.
Egyptian Identity: God-King, Lord of Light
Hieroglyph: The Khu or Spirit
Nature: Fixed
Upright meanings of Card:
- Wisdom
- Justice
- Integrity
- Stability
- Responsibility
- Respect for those older and wiser
Reversed meanings of Card:
- Unreliability
- Religious Mania
- Delusions of Grandeur